Bulgarian golfers took sixth place in “mercedes trophy” in stuttgart

Bulgarian golfers took sixth place in “mercedes trophy” in stuttgart

Bulgarian representatives took the prestigious sixth place in the final standing of the golf tournament “Mercedes Trophy” in Stuttgart.

Our players also took two-thirds of the individual standings. The tournament was successfully held and it was very well organized by the hosts from Mercedes. Golfers from 33 countries competed three days for the honors.

During the competition the participants had the opportunity to make a test drive of the world’s corporation newest models. The farewell dinner and the awards ceremony took place in the Mercedes museum in Stuttgart. Special guests at the tournament were the football legend Franz Beckenbauer, Germany’s best golfer Bernhard Langer and world famous boxer Axel Schulz, who also attended the ceremony.    

At the end of the tournament the Bulgarian footballer and enthusiastic golfer Krasimir Balakov, who supported our players, was extremely pleased with their results. The former national player and legend from the national team, Bundesliga and Stuttgart, commented facetiously that thanks to the sixth place of the Bulgarian team he will most probably keep his post as a mental coach of the team until the tournament next year. Then, seriously Krasi Balakov expressed his hope that golf will make progress in Bulgaria and will flower more and more as many golf courts were built in our country and this sport has become very popular and has many supporters. 

Mercedes tournament raised a lot of money for charity and the organizers are expected to announce the sum of the donations and the way it will be used.

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